

"Protecting our precious land is at the heart of everything we do, offering opportunities, supporting important projects and taking people like you on safari is how we do it best!"

Michael Cheffings – Safari Guide

iconEnvironmental Responsibility

  • The camps and lodges Bateleur chooses are environmentally friendly. They strive to protect ecosystems, actively involve local communities and respect native culture and customs
  • Non-biodegradable waste is returned to Nairobi for recycling
  • Most camps use solar power for lighting, refrigeration and hot water
  • Water conservation is encouraged and re-usable drinking bottles provided
  • Every property strives to reduce their footprint on the environment and nurture if for future generations

iconSocial Responsibility

Bateleur supports a number of charitable organisations whose work is invaluable:



  • Bateleur employs and trains local staff
  • The food is locally produced and purchased
  • Visits to local villages are encouraged to support the rural communities
  • Bateleur supports a number of rural schools by providing necessities such as books and furniture